Best games for mac 2011
Best games for mac 2011

  1. #Best games for mac 2011 720p
  2. #Best games for mac 2011 1080p

#Best games for mac 2011 1080p

It will also run 1080P Bluray rips without a sweat. You will be fine with these games on medium, most on high (obviously depending on your resolution) I have the $800 base Mac Mini with 8GB RAM and a 120GB OWC SSD I put in myself, so figured I'd answer these for you Would you strongly recommend AppleCare? I plan on keeping it for years (most of the components inside my current computer are more than 5 years old). How's Bootcamp? Are there any limitations that I should be aware of? How much memory does running both OSX and Windows at the same time take? How are the integrated speakers? Not expecting anything great, but how do they compare with, say, average netbook speakers in terms of volume and clarity? All I need is sound that is loud and clear enough that I never struggle to understand dialogue in videos. Basically, wireless would be interesting to me if it means I can free 2 USB ports. How do modern wireless kb/m connect to a computer? Mine are old POS that require some kind of USB dongle to be used as well as AA/AAA batteries.

best games for mac 2011

As for the mouse, I like physical buttons and mouse wheels. Can any USB kb/m be used? If so, what would you recommend I buy? Not looking for prog-gaming stuff or anything, but I like chiclet keyboards (if that's what they're called) like you would find on Macbooks and many netbooks. Is it actually in the box? If so, it obviously means I can directly use the thing with any computer DVI-enabled monitor, right? The description says an HMDI to DVI cable is included, but when I actually try to buy one there doesn't seem to be any mention of it (instead, I'm asked if I want a MiniDisplay Port to DVD cable).

best games for mac 2011

Does CD/DVD sharing work well? It's wireless, right? If I'm to use it with a PC running on Windows XP without Bluetooth, will it work? Can the included hard drive easily be replaced with any kind of HDD or SDD after purchase? Can external hard drives that have been used on Windows be used easily without formatting them? How much of a difference does 7200rpm make (vs. Ram: 2GB or 4GB? Won't get 8GB, I know that's overkill for me. Will I be fine with an i5, or is the i7 the way to go? Is the model with the Intel integrated graphics card enough, or do I want the one with the Radeon HD 6630M? Yes, I don't have higher needs for gaming and video.

#Best games for mac 2011 720p

As for video, as long as 720p fullscreen is smooth, I'm fine. Here are a few examples of games I'm expecting to run smoothly (around 60fps on medium settings) no matter how intense the action becomes: Team Fortress 2, Torchlight, Magicka, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3. It would actually be my first Mac ever, so I have a buttload of questions for you guys. Since this thread is fairly recent I figured it's better to bump it than create a new one.

Best games for mac 2011